Brother Lehman
12/30/2012 11:27:04 pm

Have youth write in their testimonies before and after discussing a gospel doctrine.

Have youth create graphic organizers analyzing passages of scriptures.

Have youth create scripture chains that would help them answer gospel questions.

Have youth write in personal goals related to what they are studying.

Britney Hollis
1/2/2013 04:39:51 am

I am human and tend to not remember everything. I think the journals will be great for jotting down questions or thoughts that come to the students and teachers, that can later be thought about or studied in better depth. It also reminds me of something called a smash book Sister Haley was talking about. Handouts can be glued or taped inside and the students will always have them. To this day I open my scriptures and find handouts that I don't know why I originally got them or where they came from. I like the journals and I think the students can and will too!

Brother Lehman
1/2/2013 05:35:08 am

Great ideas, Sister Hollis. Thanks for your input.

Melissa Chen
1/3/2013 09:33:41 am

1. As I give more thoughts to the journal these couple days when preparing the lesson, I thought I would like to have the youth put down the goals that they would like to accomplish in Sunday School this year on the first page. I will also have their lists so I can try to do my best to help them achieve their goals.
2. At the first week of the month as we introduce the new topic, have youth look up the Bible Dictionary for the definition of the word(s) that is the central theme (like Holy Ghost), then write down in their own words of their understanding, or copy key phrases from the definition.
3. I probably would encourage the youth to also use the notebook to record their thoughts and questions from their personal scripture study, preferably using different ink color to distinguish. It will be interesting for youth to see in lots of occasions what we study personally will coincide what we learn in the church. This will intergrate and deepen their learning. The only thing is that they might be a 2nd or even a 3rd notebook. For one notebook, there will be about 8 sheets for each month, or 2 sheets for a week. Will the ward provide them if they need more notebooks later in the year?

Brother Lehman
1/3/2013 12:57:31 pm

I have had the same concern about the need for more notebooks; I don't see a problem in providing more notebooks when the time arises.

Trish Haley
1/4/2013 03:31:06 pm

I have already had comments from the Young Women that they prefer college ruled. I thought it was just my daughter, but apparently, there are quite a few who "despise" wide ruled. Go figure.

Our first combined YW activity will be to decorate our Sunday Journals. I figure this will help them take ownership of their SJ in a big way.

Brother Lehman
1/4/2013 11:12:32 pm

Sister Haley,

Decorating the notebooks is a great way for the youth to take ownership. You figure if they put all that time decorating the notebook, they will feel a greater need to bring it and use it. Thanks for setting aside a specific time to work on the journals as an organization.

Mike Moser
1/5/2013 09:58:54 pm

I had similar thoughts as Melissa and Trish with regards to the journals. I think the spiritually-related goals are very appropriate for the journals. I also think that decorating the journals, making them personalized, will add personal value to them. We will be more likely to see the journals brought to class. Because we want these journals to be personal, we can suggest to the youth that they can bring another notebook if they want to. It doesn't matter what the notebook looks like... as long as they are using it and value it!


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